Wednesday, December 19, 2007

week 2

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Okay I just weighed my self I think it says 175lbs still but my scale sucks. I am just going to go with that. After the holidays I plan to buy me a new one.

So I didn't lose none nor gain any. I guess I can't be upset. I did eat way to many sugar cookies.

For more tales from the scales contestants.


Mom said...

Hang in there, christmas will be past soon. Just try to keep it on an even keel. THis is one of the hardest times because the food is EVERYWHERE. Yesterday they had chocolate walnut fudge at the insurance office when I had to stop in. The day before someone offered me pizza hut pizza. I swear, it's a minefield.

I allow myself ONE treat a day. I plan it out. But just one. After all, there's always tomorrow.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Maintaining while eating lots of sugar cookies is a good thing. ;-) MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Path to Health

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I would have been happy with the same weight after my week, but my scale gifted me with 1 1/2 pound loss. Maybe you can get one like mine! LOL